Appeal Design was formed in early 2008. We are a group of designers and programmers who decided to standardize offerings into a one-stop shop for your company's design needs. Branching from our Atlanta web design experience, and leveraging knowledge from an array of industries, Appeal Design is able to meet your company's endeavors for a wide variety of projects, both creative and technical. By focusing on the intersection of function and beauty, Appeal Design can provide you with the high value services that your clients and customers will enjoy time and time again. It is our goal that by allowing our clients a high degree of empowerment and with transparency in the design process, Appeal Design is committed to completing your projects so that when we hand it to you, we are handing you a new set of expectations; we are handing you The Appeal Design.
We are always excited to propose on this website for you. With diverse roots, we have an appreciation for a firm that can promote design and convey it in everything they do. As the internet reaches the end of its second decade of worldwide use, we have to constantly find the middle ground of where design and functionality can meet for a bit and become complementary to each other. We understand that the web is an evolving creature and that what was true yesterday may be revolutionized when we open our eyes tomorrow morning.
Tried and True Design and Marketing that Works
Drastic imagery, provoking copy, and well laid out design tied in with a robust Content management System will secure your company's position as a major player in your market. We know that we can provide you with that solution and we are salivating for the chance to prove it.