Our Custom CMS
To be effective, a website must remain relevant and current. With our Content Management System (CMS), you can easily update and modify your existing content. Appeal Design will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your content makes its way to the web world in a streamlined fashion. Custom photo galleries, events, press releases, recent news, are a few of the items your CMS can be built to allow you to change. Our custom developed CMS has been proven to be extremely user-friendly for even the most novice computer users. Rest assured Appeal Design will create your CMS around your needs.
Third Party CMS
Wordpress is becoming heralded as a very effective and easy way to manage and update your website. Additionally, we also support Joomla, Drupal, Opencart, Shopify, Magento, CodeIgniter and More. Most times these CMS systems have built in plugins that allow for custom programming to be sidestepped in lieu of an "off the shelf" product. These CMS can save significant cost when developing, however these same pre-packaged tools can make customization very difficult. With a Free Consultation, we can help you decide what CMS is right for you.
Here is a news article we have wirtten specifically about Wordpress. Is it right for you?